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    Why Conduct Business In Australia?

    • Stable economy growing at 2.5% every year on average
    • Immense opportunity in multiple sectors
    • Business friendly environment with large scope for growth
    • Access to skilled and talented workers
    • Well established cities with evolved markets

    Australia Business Visa Process:

    Looking to visit Australia for business? The Australian Business Visa is a Subclass 600 temporary visa designed to help organisations with business interests and associations in Australia. It is an online visa application and typically takes 3-4 weeks to be processed.

    Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa:

    With this visa you can own and manage a business in Australia or conduct a business or investment activity entrepreneurial activity in Australia.

    Basic eligibility requirements for this visa stream:

    • Submission of your Expression of Interest in Skill Select
    • Nomination from a state or territory government agency or Austrade
    • Invitation to apply

    The provisional visa program has seven categories:

    Business Innovation Stream: This provisional visa allows you to operate a new or existing business in Australia. You must be nominated by an Australian State or Territory government agency or Austrade.

    Investor stream: For this you will require at least AUD 1.5 million in an Australian state or territory and maintain your business and investment activity in Australia.

    Significant investor stream:  People willing to invest at least AUD 5 million in Australian investments can apply for this visa. They must be nominated by an Australian State or Territory government agency or Austrade.

    Business innovation extension stream: With this visa holders of the Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa can extend their stay in Australia for 2 more years.

    Significant investor extension stream: With this visa holders of the Significant Investor stream can extend their stay in Australia for up to 4 more years.

    Premium Investor stream: This visa requires nomination by Austrade and an investment of at least AUD 15 million in Australian enterprises or in philanthropic contribution.

    Entrepreneur stream: With this visa you can carry out entrepreneurial activities in Australia.

    All these visa subcategories have a validity of four years and 3 months.

    With extensive knowledge of Australian immigration, Y-Axis can help you create a thorough business visa application package with the highest chances of success.